We FINALLY had a warm, decent weekend this weekend! It was warm and not too windy (yesterday was VERY windy!), so I was able to work with Scout and Cali. I need to start checking their feet and getting Cali used to somebody picking up her back two feet! She did much better Saturday. Scout could have cared less. She is unflappable! Ho-hum, what next? I decided to start her on her verbal commands, starting with "stay". She did very well. Stay? Ho-hum. Next!~ Here she is with me on Saturday. We met my aunt and uncle for lunch nearby. They drove up from San Diego to enjoy the view and warm weather.
Thank you, Lisa, for the One Lovely Blog award! I really appreciate it! I would like to pass on the One Lovely Blog award to the following bloggers:
(1) Kathiesbirds at Sycamore Canyon: http://coronadetucson.blogspot.com/ She has such beautiful photographs of desert birds!
(2) Behind my Red Door: http://behindmyreddoor.blogspot.com/;
(3) Mekong River Tributaries: http://chanphengjournal.blogspot.com/ BEAUTIFUL photographs! It's nice to see a change every now and then!
(4)Tammie Lee at Spirithelpers: http://miztlee.blogspot.com/ Beautiful photographs and she has an interesting Etsy shop!
You know what to do...copy the award, paste it on your blog, nominate others...Just give a link back to my blog here!
Now, go out and enjoy your week!
HI Cheryl Ann,
Thanks so very much for the sweet award, it was so kind of you. However like many others, I now have an award free blog. I do appreciate you thinking of me though.
Have a great day!
~~Cheryl Ann~~
Congratulations on your well deserved award! Very kind of you to honor me in this way. Thank you.
How nice to spend the day outdoors with your horses. We have lots of sunshine here, but it is FREEZING temp wise!!
It was warm and windy here all weekend, but more so yesterday. Does wind make your horses a little crazy? I think wind must whisper death threats that only horses can hear because Panama always goes a little nuts!
Picking up their feet on a regular basis is a good idea. Because of Panama's trailer accident, which result in his mother's euthanization and some injuries to his rear fetlocks, he was really protective of his hind feet when I first started working with him. So he needed a lot of work with his feet when I first brought him to Denver.
My trainer showed me how to hold his feet so that he couldn't yank them back, and told me to wait until he was done fighting before giving him his foot back. It worked -- he's been an angel about his feet ever since!
Back feet, huh? Gotta love the back feet--the kickers! Good luck with that! Keep us posted!
Good job Scout!
Cheryl Ann, thanks for the award and all of your lavish praise. You certainly know how to make a person feel good! Looks like you and Scout are having fun! Your blog makes me remember a dream I once had...., it makes me remember the smell of horses, their warm breath, soft muzzles, powerful bodies and graceful gaits. I envy you your horses. I'm glad your dream came true.
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