Desert Horses

Welcome to my horse blog, Desert Horses. We live in the desert southwest, near Palm Springs, CA, but board our horses up in our local mountains where it is cooler in the summer. I have 4 horses, all rescues. Here is the ranch up the mountains where the horses stay.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

We had RAIN yesterday! And flooding, too...

We knew we were going to get the edges of hurricane Norbert out in the Pacific Ocean, but nobody could forecast exactly how much rain we'd get.  I could smell it yesterday morning.  I also spotted a nearly-flat tire on my car, so I phoned a colleague and asked for a ride.  GOOD THING! Our daughter called to warn me that traffic on Interstate 10 near the Washington exit was crawling along at 30 mph because of low visibility.  There was a downpour out there. We nearly pulled off the freeway.  However, once we got to Indio, the rain completely stopped.  When we got to school, we heard thunder very nearby and, of course, morning recess was cancelled.

Anyway, here are some photos from the local news showing the flooding.


Nuzzling Muzzles said...

Yup. Looks like a lot of our news photos. We found it interesting that it flooded in Riverside too. Now we get to deal with all the mud. There's just no point in cleaning house until things dry out.

DeniseinVA said...

Goodness, that's a lot of rain. Hope your family and home are okay and your horses.